应pc加拿大预测准确率李朋副教授邀请, 中山大学数学学院冼
报告题目:Random Sampling of k-bandlimited Graph Signals with Local Measurement
腾讯会议ID: 543-380-034
报告摘要:The random sampling of signals residing on graphs is one of the fundamental topics in graph signal processing. Recently, it has been shown that the k-bandlimited graph signals can be reconstructed from a collection of the local measurements, namely linear combinations of signal values in a finite range. In this paper, we consider the random sampling of k-bandlimited signals from the local measurements that depend on a delicate design of the local set. It is shown that no more than O(k log k) samples taken with replacement is sufficient to ensure the accurate and stable recovery of all k-banlimited graph signals. Subsequently, two random sampling strategies based on the minimum measurements are proposed, i.e., the optimal sampling and the estimated sampling, and the distance between vertices are also introduced to design the sampling probability distribution. Furthermore, an iterative reconstruction algorithm is presented, and numerical experiments are included to show the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.
冼军,男,博士,教授,博士生导师,现任中山大学数学学院副院长、中国数学会理事、广东省数学会理事、广东省工业与应用数学学会副理事长. 2004年毕业于中山大学获理学博士学位,同年进入浙江大学博士后流动站, 2006年博士后出站至今在中山大学数学学院工作.主要研究方向为小波分析与应用调和分析、采样理论及其在信号处理中的应用。在Appl. Comput. Harmon. Anal., Inverse Probl., J. Fourier Anal. Appl., Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., J. Approx. Theory等国内外主流专业期刊发表多篇关于信号的采样与重构的理论及其应用的论文,部分结果获得同行们的关注。曾作为项目负责人主持多项国家级和省部级基金项目,现作为项目负责人主持国家自然科学基金面上项目一项. 2010年入选广东省“千百十”人材工程培养计划.