应pc加拿大预测准确率徐强副教授邀请,纽约大学(Abu Dhabi)博士后李徽将于2022年5月30日在线举办专题学术讲座,热忱欢迎诸位老师、研究生的参加。
报告题目: New energy method in the study of the instability near Couette flow
腾讯会议ID: 523 228 160
摘要: Hydrodynamic stability is an active field of fluid mechanics which deals with the stability and the instability of fluid flows. Mathematically, this kind of problems can be reduced to the study of the semi-group estimate related to the linearized operator. However, it is difficult to use the energy method to capture the growth of the semi-group and obtain its lower bound, especially if the growth is a transient growth. In this talk, I will present a new energy method to study the lower bound of the semi-group generated by a time-dependent linearized operator. This new energy method gives the growth mechanism of unstable shear flows, with which we prove two open questions about the instability of shear flows for Navier-Stokes and Euler equations. This is a joint work with Nader Masmoudi and Weiren Zhao.
李徽,博士毕业于北京大学(2014-2019);2019-2021在浙江大学从事博士后研究工作;2021-至今在纽约大学(Abu Dhabi)继续从事博士后研究工作。主要研究兴趣为流体运动中的自由边值问题以及流动稳定性问题,研究成果已在SIAM JMA, JFA, JDE等国际一流数学期刊发表。